Light Weather Styling Tips - Just White Shirts

Light Weather Styling Tips

Its February already, and Summer is around the corner. It seems unbelievable that another winter has pretty much come and gone already. If there’s a silver lining, it’s that spring is one of the best seasons for style. (Unless, of course, you hate the summer and the season change is the silver lining.) spring fabrics are richer and more textured. The colors are both vibrant and earthy. Patterns are truly at home. Layering. Scarves. Coats. The list goes on and on. Summer people, am I getting you at least a bit more excited about saying goodbye to winters yet? Clothing Brands such as "Just White Shirts" focus on providing everything at one place

There is that all-important seasonal transition time, however, when it’s not quite the end of Winter and not quite the beginning of spring. Choosing the right clothing can be a bit tricky, but here are a few key items you’ll want to have.

I’m a big fan of Jackets for spring style. Wear them as a standalone piece early in the season and layer them up over a waistcoat or under and topcoat into February/March when it starts to get chillier. Denim jackets add a flavor of classic cool to casual shirts and are also a great way dress down office attire and give it a bit of an edge. Make sure it fits snugly around your torso when buttoned.

Fall is a Leather boot season. And as much as I’m saddened by having to pack my linen clothing away for a year, that sadness is tempered by the knowledge that I can start breaking out the boots. Leather boots are must haves. They’re the loafers of the boot world and instantly dress up even more casually leaning looks.

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